The moderator calmed the restless crowd. “This is our last session. I want to thank our participants who have proven conclusively that there is a place for civil discourse on this campus. Thank you all.
“This session will be short, but we’ll fill the time with an extended question and answer segment. I want to thank all of you out there for your respect during the last four sessions, and for you thoughtful questions and comments. I’m sure you will have plenty to say tonight as well.
Professor, it’s all yours.”
Professor – Thank you. Now why don’t you kids wrap it up for us?
Students – We’ll try.
The premise of this discourse was that creation of the natural world came from the mind, will, and emotion of Yahweh; and that the Bible tells of the reason why Yahweh created the cosmos and the creatures inhabiting it. Of course, we were not there at creation, nor did Yahweh consult with us on the details, so we can only hypothesize using the evidence laid out before us. Also, we were not there at the writing of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, so we can only theorize, using the external and internal evidence surrounding and embedding these writings, that Yahweh, through human agency, gave to humankind a detailed analysis of the purpose and the execution of that purpose.
Looking at the circumstantial evidence in the natural cosmos, we propose that the universe had a definite material beginning full of obvious design, and is governed by uniform laws. This inorganic matter composes the platform that supports physical life. Life is comprised of individual cells housing the DNA molecule in their nuclei. This demonstrates complexity that can only be answered by a supranatural Mind. Out of this creative Mind emerges information and consciousness deciphered by the mind contained primarily in the brains of creatures. Ancillary to this evidence are two features heading up a long list of natural phenomena – the fully developed eye and plant photosynthesis. The plethora of circumstantial evidence should answer any argument that the natural world is the result of random chance, of alien intrusion, of magic star dust, or any other notion that does not include a Mind outside of time and space. According to the evidence, a Mind created. Who is this Mind, and why did this Mind create?
It is our theory that this Mind conceived and had recorded its purpose and the execution of that purpose in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures known as the Bible. Though criticized as being mythological, the Bible is well supported by archaeology as being historically accurate in its names, places, and things. It boasts of an extraordinary number of manuscripts, more than any other writings in antiquity. Science confirms the allusions to science found in the Hebrew Scriptures even though they were written and compiled centuries before Jesus. Not only science, but also mathematics supports the Bible. But this is merely external evidence as to the validity of our hypothesis that the Bible cannot violate scientific discoveries or mathematical formulations, because nature and Scripture emanate from the same source.
We have a plethora of favorable arguments in support of Yahweh, the first cause, speaking the Bible into existence through human language and human agency. In the first two chapters of Genesis we find the Creator, known in Hebrew as Elohim, a triune being consisting of Father, Son (Yahweh), and Spirit, creating the first human being in his image and in three parts – spirit, soul, and body. In the third chapter we meet with the personification of evil – a rebel angel intent upon thwarting Elohim’s purpose. He succeeds in arousing disobedience in the first couple, which allows his corrosive nature to enter into their flesh in an attack upon their genome.
According to the Bible Elohim allotted 7000 years of time to the fulfillment of his purpose. Though the cosmos is much older than the past 6000 years, the creation of a tripartite human being in the image of Elohim is not. Satan, the adversary, knowing the plan of a human replacement of his authority through the seed of the woman, as well as the production and maturation of Yeshua’s human Bride and Body consisting of faithful and obedient adherents, set out to inextricably conflate fallen angelic DNA with the purely human stock. So widespread was this confusing aberration expressed in giantism and in subsequent violence that Elohim had to judge the Earth.
Noah, his wife, three sons, and their wives were the only bridge between the judged Earth and the reset following the flood. Though the situation rapidly declined as people repopulated the Earth, Elohim called one Shemite out of idolatry. His obedience led to a chosen nation being called forth from slavery and oppression to a promised land. In that land one of the twelve tribes – Judah – became responsible to provide a passage for Yeshua the Son to come to Earth, to take on human flesh, and to die as the lamb of Elohim in order to save the people from their sins, to establish them as his kingdom to rule over the nations with him as their king.
Yeshua (the Son Christ) did come and took on humanity in the man Jesus. He did accomplish redemption in accordance with all the prophecies regarding his first advent. However his nation rejected him, forcing him to set them aside temporarily. During the nation’s abeyance, Yahweh established a new administration to birth and mature the corporate body of Christ, a process that has lasted almost two millennia. Once the task is complete, the nation of Israel will enter into her final seven years of preparation as the bride of Christ. Once that severe purging does its work on Israel, she will be ready to meet her bridegroom Christ. He will come to establish himself over his millennial kingdom, and the 7000-year allotment will give way to eternity, and thus fulfill the purpose of Elohim.
As we stated in the beginning, it is our hypothesis that both creation of the cosmos and the writing of the Bible are necessary in order to understand the meaning of human life and the source behind it. We think the evidence in both realms is adequate to substantiate our hypothesis at this point. we always welcome new light on both divine “books.”
Professor – You kids are awesome. And a word to the audience. You may wonder why I let these your colleagues do most of the talking. Well, I’m not afraid of learning. And you never learn if your mouth is open. It’s either your ears or your mouth. For these dialogues I chose ears, and I’m glad I did. I learned a lot, not so much about the natural world, but about the world of the Bible. So don’t be disappointed at my reticence to speak. You can look me up and hear me say a lot of things. I don’t have the need to dominate, but I do have the need to learn. I want to thank these valiant souls for teaching me, and for you who patiently witnessed these five sessions. We are all better for it.
With that the professor stood and applauded the students. The crowd joined him. The Christians walked over to the professor and shook his hand. The girl of the three gave him a warm hug, a fitting gesture for the professor who had been gracious throughout. The Christians knew he could have been antagonistic and ideological, but instead had shown interest and had asked pertinent questions to let them take center stage. It could not have been better.